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The Intelligent Life Tutorial Series investigates how our being works, offers new insights into the mechanics of human experience and provides practical solutions to change and develop our thinking and behaviour. These monthly tutorials provide a platform for consistent but manageable learning and practice. Each session lasts approximately 60 minutes. Participants receive access to the session recording, which will be available on the first Wednesday of each month. £12 pcm

Past tutorials can be purchased individually - £12 per tutorial. Inquire now.


Mapping Our Human World


We examine the current state of our world through the lens of human thinking and behaviours. Where are we heading as a species? What paradigms and systems are we operating by, individually and collectively? Is our current worldview serving us? What is humanity’s real potential, and how close are we to realising it? Can we do ‘life on Earth’ differently? We will use the Intelligent Life map to explore the organisation of human society, as well as possible new perspectives for evolving these areas for a new, and more equitable, future. 

  • Session 1 | Introduction to Mapping
    Session 1 | Introduction to Mapping
    Explore how the Intelligent Life Map works. We see the full spectrum of human possibility available to us - how we create our particular experience through the choices we make. We track our belief systems from struggle to unity, and see how our results change depending on the paradigm we operate in.
  • Session 2 | Birth & Death
    Session 2 | Birth & Death
    How well do we manage the entry and exit points to the experience of being human? Why have such natural occurrences become increasingly medicalised? Is there a wider perspective on the transitions of birth and death that could meaningfully change how we spend our time in between the two?
  • Session 3 | Trauma
    Session 3 | Trauma
    Trauma is the result of unprocessed overwhelm on a physical, emotional and mental level. We carry both individual (personal) and collective (shared) trauma, as part of the human condition. We explore the role of trauma in human evolution, and how we can move beyond the conclusions it creates.
  • Session 4 | Gender
    Session 4 | Gender
    When we are born, we enter into male or female bodies. Our gender at birth does not automatically predispose us to either masculine or feminine qualities. We explore the foundational energy of existence, which offers us myriad possibilities for expression, and the resulting balance of all creation.
  • Session 5 | Prejudice
    Session 5 | Prejudice
    Human beings have long played the game of ‘othering’; leading to judgement & rejection of certain segments of the human family. We explore how this phase of human development comes about, and how moving towards pervasive & lasting inclusion of all is the natural product of conscious human evolution.
  • Session 6 | Sexuality
    Session 6 | Sexuality
    Our sexual energy seems to have a solely human orientation. The origin of this energy is a natural part of the experience, and expression, of being Divine as well as human. We explore how prevailing perceptions of sexuality have contributed to misunderstanding the bridge between the two.
  • Session 7 | Faith
    Session 7 | Faith
    Faith is an important (some would say essential) part of life. Without it, we are thrown back on finding consistent purpose and meaning in an ever-changing material world. We explore how religion, spirituality and other forms of faith serve the intrinsic human need for a deeper sense of belonging.
  • Session 8 | Governance
    Session 8 | Governance
    World leaders, and their political systems, vary across the world. However, many citizens feel that governments pursue their own agenda, instead of being an instrument for the people they serve. We explore the political dynamics at play and look at how governance could be shaped in the future.
  • Session 9 | Economics