Our Model
Humanity has an inbuilt capacity to thrive but to achieve this, individually, and collectively, we need to re-evaluate our existing approach.

What if we are currently trying to make things work without understanding the underlying mechanics?
What if these hidden mechanics were a crucial influence in the results we are getting?
And what if our continued misunderstanding was responsible for the increased challenges we are now facing?
We need a whole new understanding to go any further.
The kind of understanding that goes beyond the limited capacity of any singular discipline.
The kind of understanding that can change the future we are heading towards.

The Intelligent Life model provides a unique and comprehensive framework for understanding how individuals and systems work. Our work moves beyond the current approach of using a separate discipline for each issue. Instead we offer a unified framework. It acts like a stem cell injection, that recalibrates the whole organism.

Our approach creates the optimal conditions for healthy evolution. It can be applied to any aspect of life – self-awareness, relationships, health, finances – to organisational development and societal systems.
Working from an understanding of Natural Intelligence changes the entire landscape of our attempts to create workable solutions, and in doing so, gives us the possibility of completely new outcomes for the challenges we face every single day as a species.

Understand the system thinking of life
Natural Intelligence is the underlying design of Life. With the right map and model, the hidden structure and order of systems becomes visible.
Diagnose issues &
measure progress
The Intelligent Life map is a ground-breaking diagnostic and measurement tool. It can be used for individual or group assessment.

Develop Natural Intelligence
We provide a range of programmes to develop the knowledge, experiences and behaviours that contribute to a new future. Our curriculum provides the necessary steps to unlock latent capacity and implement new thinking, understanding, and behaviours.

Natural Intelligence applies to every aspect of life across the individual to global spectrum. The principles of Natural Intelligence operate beyond cultural, geographical, historical, societal and educational considerations. However, they can be explored, experienced and understood by anyone. When we examine the mechanics of Natural Intelligence, we find that they are predisposed to order, harmony and balanced growth.